Monday, May 14, 2007

Research Life

These last weeks, I've been living in a chaotic pace, and it's begun taking it's toll on my body. I really should start stop my nocturnal lifestyle and return to normal. Well, what is 'normal' anyway? Just a perception of what the majority of people think is 'normal'. But well, that's enough.

Anyway, I've known how hard it was to do scientific research in Indonesia for a while, but yesterday was the first time I've experienced it first hand. After one year of hard work working on my research, now I got the chance to publicize it. Only one catch. I should pay for the publication fee. Yes. I should pay for it. And no, it's not a small amount, not for a student with no steady income like me. Well, after researching without payment for a year, that's quite some news.

Luckily, the university got me a discount, and my lecturer helped pay half the entrance fee. Or I wouldn't have it published. With the situation being like this in most places, I understand why it's so hard for Indonesian researchers to actually give mentionable results. And the educational climate in most universities nationwide isn't exactly helping.

With most universities pushing their students to graduate ASAP (higher turnover ratio of goods, higher income. Simple economics, eh?), 4 years max, how are they supposed to have time for anything other than studying?


Anonymous said...

And the educational climate in most universities nationwide isn't exactly helping.

Keadaan pendidikan di Indo emang prihatin pisan :P
Boleh lah, sedikit business minded, biar sekolahnya juga ndak rugi. Tapi kalo kebablasan bisnisnya, idealisme untuk bikin pinter bangsa dilupain, ya tetep aja ni bangsa kaga maju-maju. Mau maju kok dibikin susah. Padahal menerbitkan hasil riset, itu juga buat orang lain, malah dimintain duit. Bah.

natsu said...


Tukeran link ya, Zaku sayang! ^_^