Monday, May 26, 2008

Family and Home

For this last two days, I've been talking with a friend about family, and our definition of them. For one, we agreed that blood is not always thicker than water. That we felt closer to ones that we consider 'family' because of a sharing of emotion, and not just by a relation of blood.

Truth is, I am luckier than some of my friends. I have a great blood-family, at least my mum and sis are awesome. The rest of the huge family, they're... well, mostly okay. Mostly. But still, I'm considerably quite blessed.

While we're at the topic, today I thought of something weird. While chatting away with Ipeh about meat pies and non blood-related families, an image pops to my mind. Laugh if you want. It does sounds strange.

A kitchen with Ipeh and Natsu making meat pies and Ozzi stealing freshly baked pies, and Beben laughing away at the kitchen entrance. With Ipeh threatening Oz to make him into a meat pie if he continues his blatant act of thievery. (I imagine I am also laughing, or playing MTG with Beben if I'm on the scene :D )

Sure looks fun if that image can be a reality. It would be a nice home to live in.


Anonymous said...

meat pies made of WHO?

Zaku said...

Now, that.. I don't know...

Though it looks like it's made of some unfortunate chicken sold at superindo...

Anonymous said...

or cows

Zaku said...

Or fish.. wait, beben ga makan sesamanya...

natsu said...

Saya malah berpikir, dalam cerita itu , Fei tidak menyebutkan Cipto...

Zaku said...

Ah... siapa bilang ga ada cipto....

Moonblade said...



Zaku said...

Bukannya WWF sekarang udah jadi WWE cip? Kau mau panggil Kai ya? :D

Gw rasa sih kai malah bakal seneng2 ikut masak deh.