Thursday, June 07, 2007


Warning : What lies below is not the most structured writing you'll ever see. It's just a huge number of personal rants and ramblings put together in a fine bloody mess. And no, It's not directed to anyone in particular.

I sometimes wonder, do chameleons ever feel an identity crisis? I mean, when one spends most of their time mimicking others, doesn't one begin to feel like something else? Does it ever occur to them, that possibly, they've changed colors so often that they forgot what their true color truly are?

Some people sometimes wear too many masks, and forgot what their true faces are. Some were too afraid to open their masks, in fear of non-acceptance. And some wore them because of necessity, or so they thought.

It's probably fine for these masqueraders to shift from one mask to another, basking in their relative safety from the outside world. But, as a friend once told me, It's not that fine for those outside. It's not easy befriending someone while you don't really know what he thinks.

It's even worse when one's masquerade encounters another. And it's chilling to behold. Who knows, under the blanket of smiles, how many daggers are being hidden? When one spent their life inside a mask, it's only natural that one suspects what lies behind the mask of another. Imagine a society full of these creatures, always suspecting, never trusting, keeping distances away from the other with masquerades.

Then you'll have a colony of hedgehogs... or dark elves.


natsu said...

Hedgehogs are not necessarily chameleons, dear. Yours truly here, as an example. I am a hedgehog, so my friends told me. But I am also as simple as a storybook for five-year-olds, so they said.

I myself don't like masks, and never wanted to wear any (except as characters on games). This choice could be tough at times. But I like myself, so why should I pretend I am someone else? ^__^

-natsu yg lagi belajar lagi nulis English-

Anonymous said...

Hmm, thanks for reminding me, ma'am ^^; there are different kinds of hedgehogs after all, from those with purple quills to chameleon-hybrids :D

Not trying to generalize though, it's just that I'm sometimes frustrated by masquerades.

Yamineco said...

wah, dejavu tau ga ngebaca blog lu.. dulu juga gue sering ngebahas ini soalnya..

Moonblade said...

I don't recall Sonic the Hedgehog using any masks...

Just a wandering blog-reader's word, when you're confused whether to believe or not to believe, choose the first. How can people trust you when you don't trust others?

When the trusted person betrays your gentle trust, at least you now know how it felt. And you'll learn whether to trust him again or not.