The dawn of melting snow is too dazzling.
Turning around, I see your smiling face.
The day we'll meet again
Is definitely not far off, right?
If sorrow could turn into stars someday,
Please grant me the wishes that have taken root in my heart,
So that their radiance might descend onto the Earth.
I hum a tune that protects dreams.
In the depths of this emotion of peace
Is a soft thread of love which leads to happiness.
The bedtime stories which tell of fondness
Are those I learned from you.
Let us softly return – to the memories from back then.
Friday, December 04, 2009
Mellow Melody
Yeah, that song really describes how I felt now. Well, talking with her does that, I guess.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Randomness from Higurashi
Please do not deplore yourself.
Even if the world does not forgive, I will forgive you.
Please do not deplore yourself.
Even if you do not forgive the world, I will forgive you.
So please tell me.
What will it take for you, to forgive me?
-Frederica Bernkastel
Even if the world does not forgive, I will forgive you.
Please do not deplore yourself.
Even if you do not forgive the world, I will forgive you.
So please tell me.
What will it take for you, to forgive me?
-Frederica Bernkastel
Thursday, November 19, 2009
"Death? I don't fear death. Try losing your purpose in life. Try losing your place to return to. Try loneliness. Try solitude. Those are what I fear."
The silver-haired elf looked away as he said those words. His dark-skinned face looking towards the sky. The sky under which he has no place to go. Where he has no home to return to. Where he came alone, and where he will die alone.
"Try losing what matters the most, and only realizing it after it's too late."
The silver-haired elf looked away as he said those words. His dark-skinned face looking towards the sky. The sky under which he has no place to go. Where he has no home to return to. Where he came alone, and where he will die alone.
"Try losing what matters the most, and only realizing it after it's too late."
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
We are the music makers,
And we are the dreamer of dreams,
Wandering by lone sea-breakers,
And sitting by desolate streams;
World-losers and world-forsakers,
On whom the pale moon gleams:
Yet we are the movers and shakers
Of the world for ever, it seems.
With wonderful deathless ditties,
We build up the world's great cities,
And out of a fabulous story
We fashion an empire's glory:
One man with a dream, at pleasure,
Shall go forth and conquer a crown;
And three with a new song's measure
Can trample an empire down.
We, in the ages lying
In the buried past of earth,
Built Nineveh with our sighing,
And Babel itself with our mirth;
And o'erthrew them with prophesying
To the old of the new world's worth;
For each age is a dream that is dying,
Or one that is coming to birth.
A breath of our inspiration,
Is the life of each generation.
A wondrous thing of our dreaming,
Unearthly, impossible seeming-
The soldier, the king, and the peasant
Are working together in one,
Till our dream shall become their present,
And their work in the world be done.
They had no vision amazing
Of the goodly house they are raising.
They had no divine foreshowing
Of the land to which they are going:
But on one man's soul it hath broke,
A light that doth not depart
And his look, or a word he hath spoken,
Wrought flame in another man's heart.
And therefore today is thrilling,
With a past day's late fulfilling.
And the multitudes are enlisted
In the faith that their fathers resisted,
And, scorning the dream of tomorrow,
Are bringing to pass, as they may,
In the world, for it's joy or it's sorrow,
The dream that was scorned yesterday.
But we, with our dreaming and singing,
Ceaseless and sorrowless we!
The glory about us clinging
Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing;
O men! It must ever be
That we dwell, in our dreaming and singing,
A little apart from ye.
For we are afar with the dawning
And the suns that are not yet high,
And out of the infinite morning
Intrepid you hear us cry-
How, spite of your human scorning,
Once more God's future draws nigh,
And already goes forth the warning
That ye of the past must die.
Great hail! we cry to the corners
From the dazzling unknown shore;
Bring us hither your sun and your summers,
And renew our world as of yore;
You shall teach us your song's new numbers,
And things that we dreamt not before;
Yea, in spite of a dreamer who slumbers,
And a singer who sings no more.
-Arthur O'Shaughnessy
And we are the dreamer of dreams,
Wandering by lone sea-breakers,
And sitting by desolate streams;
World-losers and world-forsakers,
On whom the pale moon gleams:
Yet we are the movers and shakers
Of the world for ever, it seems.
With wonderful deathless ditties,
We build up the world's great cities,
And out of a fabulous story
We fashion an empire's glory:
One man with a dream, at pleasure,
Shall go forth and conquer a crown;
And three with a new song's measure
Can trample an empire down.
We, in the ages lying
In the buried past of earth,
Built Nineveh with our sighing,
And Babel itself with our mirth;
And o'erthrew them with prophesying
To the old of the new world's worth;
For each age is a dream that is dying,
Or one that is coming to birth.
A breath of our inspiration,
Is the life of each generation.
A wondrous thing of our dreaming,
Unearthly, impossible seeming-
The soldier, the king, and the peasant
Are working together in one,
Till our dream shall become their present,
And their work in the world be done.
They had no vision amazing
Of the goodly house they are raising.
They had no divine foreshowing
Of the land to which they are going:
But on one man's soul it hath broke,
A light that doth not depart
And his look, or a word he hath spoken,
Wrought flame in another man's heart.
And therefore today is thrilling,
With a past day's late fulfilling.
And the multitudes are enlisted
In the faith that their fathers resisted,
And, scorning the dream of tomorrow,
Are bringing to pass, as they may,
In the world, for it's joy or it's sorrow,
The dream that was scorned yesterday.
But we, with our dreaming and singing,
Ceaseless and sorrowless we!
The glory about us clinging
Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing;
O men! It must ever be
That we dwell, in our dreaming and singing,
A little apart from ye.
For we are afar with the dawning
And the suns that are not yet high,
And out of the infinite morning
Intrepid you hear us cry-
How, spite of your human scorning,
Once more God's future draws nigh,
And already goes forth the warning
That ye of the past must die.
Great hail! we cry to the corners
From the dazzling unknown shore;
Bring us hither your sun and your summers,
And renew our world as of yore;
You shall teach us your song's new numbers,
And things that we dreamt not before;
Yea, in spite of a dreamer who slumbers,
And a singer who sings no more.
-Arthur O'Shaughnessy
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Don't Say Lazy
Currently addicted to "Don't Say Lazy" from the anime K-On. Here's a bit loose translation of the lyrics which caught my eyes.
Alternate interpretation perhaps, but yeah, it's fine to take a break sometimes. Don't let the pressure from the surrounding get to you. You are who you are, Your way is your own. It's fine to love yourself for who you are.
Please don't say "You are lazy"
Coz the truth is, I'm crazy
Even the tranquil swans
Kicks its feet (underwater) where you can't see
I'm just following my instinct,
and I'm aware of criticism
And the future looks bright anyway...
So sometimes, I can just take a break
With my own eyes, plotting the course
And marking my destination on the map
If there's a shortcut, then it's alright
If I've got wings that can let me skip things, it would be better
Oh no, I broke a nail; so I repaired it with glue
With just that, I feel kind of accomplished
What's important is loving yourself
If you don't love yourself, then no one else can love you
Alternate interpretation perhaps, but yeah, it's fine to take a break sometimes. Don't let the pressure from the surrounding get to you. You are who you are, Your way is your own. It's fine to love yourself for who you are.
Monday, June 08, 2009
4e Hybrid Classes
Well, astute readers might know that I am an active DnD player. I've played DnD ever since college, since 3.5, and now to 4th. 4th edition brings a more 'balanced' version of DnD where everyone will likely feel they contribute to the party better. There are failsafes built to the system that will make even it hard for someone to be useless.
With this 'balance', though the game loses one of its defining features to me. That is the ability to customize your character, to whatever you want. I remember playing a Fighter/Ranger/Bard/Barbarian once, with each part of the convoluted classes painting a different slice of his life. The fighter is his early days spent learning how to fight, Bard for his streetwise and innate magic talent, Ranger is learned from surviving in the wilds, after escaping from his hometown, and Barbarian.. It's jsut there for Rage when his loved one got hurt.
4e balance limits the ability to paint such a picture and character concept. Well, at least that's my thoughts.
Enter the Hybrid Classes.
The Hybrid Classes is the ability to mold two of the 4e classes into a 'hybridized' version. It's introduced in Dragon 374, and is expanded in Dragon 375 as a playtest article. The real thing will be in PHB3, but I don't expect it to be much different from the playtest one.
A Hybrid Class will have features from the two, but not as powerful as a 'full class' with it. For example, the Hybrid Fighter/Cleric has the 'Healer's Lore' class feature, but his 'Healing Word' power is only available 1/encounter instead of the 2/encounter of the full cleric. What he misses from that, though, he makes up with the addition of the Fighter's Combat Challenge. He does miss the fighter weapon talent and cleric channel divinity.
These hybrid versions adds new dimensions to the character building in 4e. I personally liked the hybrid system a lot. I've found myself tinkering with the system to create concept builds in my spare time. I'll share some of them here later on.
Sure, this is not the full multiclass that is available in 3.5, but it's a step away from 'generic' characters. And boy, it's a good step to be had.
Now, for my promise. Here's an overview of the hybrid combinations that I found interesting. The rest will have to wait for when I got the time.
1. Barbarian / Sorcerer.
In the veins of 'witch-king' archetype of MTG Barbarians, this is actually quite a potent combination. The Barbarian is an amazing striker, with loads of nova damage and powerful rages. It does have a weakness, which is low AC if you didn't spare some Dex/Int point.
With the Sorcerer Hybrid giving the option for using STR as AC modifier, this build can shore up the barbarian's low AC, while giving it more versatility for Ranged attacks and AoE Damage. Use Hybrid Talent to pick up Barbarian Agility to raise your AC, and receive Hide armor proficiency to boot. Some barbarian powers also use CHA for rider effects, but unfortunately, most of them are tied to the Thaneborn Feral Might, so you might have to choose between it and Barbarian Agility.
The Arcane Implement Proficiency feat from Arcane power allows you to use Heavy Blade as sorcerer implements, so that is quite essential for this build. And a Fullblade-swinging Barbarian that can spit fire from the blade reminds me of Kamahl from MtG :P
2. Barbarian / Warden
Yes, Kamahl, Fist of Krosa. I'll elaborate later when I have time.
3. Invoker/Wizard.
Amazing selection of controller power. The Invoker encounters shores up the Wizard's Amazing Dailies.
4. Fighter/Warden
For those who found warden's Nature's Wrath mark lacking. Warden's Free action mark can trigger fighter's Combat Challenge, so it's basically a fighter with more defender-y encounter powers. Fighter encounters rather pales in status effect department when compared with warden's. Being able to stack Guardian Form Powers on top of Fighter Stances is a big bonus.
5. Fighter/Cleric
For those who wants to play a front-line leader that still can dish out damage. Might need to spend a feat to gain back the lost armor proficiency, but 1/encounter healing and STR-cleric's choice of powers really made it worth it. It helps that the awesome powers came in where the fighter lacks. Enc 1, Healing Strike / Wrathful Thunder and Daily 9, Divine Power, for example.
6. Swordmage / Wizard
For those who wants a mage-knight type that can dish it out in melee and ranged, and is not pleased with a swordmage. Good selection of powers. Swordmage Dailies are rather lacking, IMO. And Wizards have arguably the best dailies in 4e. Feat-intensive since it will need hybrid talent for swordamge warding and leather proficiency to operate as a defender. The amazing power selection makes it worth it, though. Oh, and need I remind you taht you have the very useful Cantrips?
7. Paladin / Sorcerer
For those who miss the spellblade. You want a plate-armor wearing knight that slings spells of destruction to your opponent? This is your man. With hybrid talent, you can retain paladin's armor proficiency, which enables you to field a full-plate-armored, sword-wielding, shielded spellslinger.
8. Paladin / Ranger
For good old dual-wielding in full plates.
With this 'balance', though the game loses one of its defining features to me. That is the ability to customize your character, to whatever you want. I remember playing a Fighter/Ranger/Bard/Barbarian once, with each part of the convoluted classes painting a different slice of his life. The fighter is his early days spent learning how to fight, Bard for his streetwise and innate magic talent, Ranger is learned from surviving in the wilds, after escaping from his hometown, and Barbarian.. It's jsut there for Rage when his loved one got hurt.
4e balance limits the ability to paint such a picture and character concept. Well, at least that's my thoughts.
Enter the Hybrid Classes.
The Hybrid Classes is the ability to mold two of the 4e classes into a 'hybridized' version. It's introduced in Dragon 374, and is expanded in Dragon 375 as a playtest article. The real thing will be in PHB3, but I don't expect it to be much different from the playtest one.
A Hybrid Class will have features from the two, but not as powerful as a 'full class' with it. For example, the Hybrid Fighter/Cleric has the 'Healer's Lore' class feature, but his 'Healing Word' power is only available 1/encounter instead of the 2/encounter of the full cleric. What he misses from that, though, he makes up with the addition of the Fighter's Combat Challenge. He does miss the fighter weapon talent and cleric channel divinity.
These hybrid versions adds new dimensions to the character building in 4e. I personally liked the hybrid system a lot. I've found myself tinkering with the system to create concept builds in my spare time. I'll share some of them here later on.
Sure, this is not the full multiclass that is available in 3.5, but it's a step away from 'generic' characters. And boy, it's a good step to be had.
Now, for my promise. Here's an overview of the hybrid combinations that I found interesting. The rest will have to wait for when I got the time.
1. Barbarian / Sorcerer.
In the veins of 'witch-king' archetype of MTG Barbarians, this is actually quite a potent combination. The Barbarian is an amazing striker, with loads of nova damage and powerful rages. It does have a weakness, which is low AC if you didn't spare some Dex/Int point.
With the Sorcerer Hybrid giving the option for using STR as AC modifier, this build can shore up the barbarian's low AC, while giving it more versatility for Ranged attacks and AoE Damage. Use Hybrid Talent to pick up Barbarian Agility to raise your AC, and receive Hide armor proficiency to boot. Some barbarian powers also use CHA for rider effects, but unfortunately, most of them are tied to the Thaneborn Feral Might, so you might have to choose between it and Barbarian Agility.
The Arcane Implement Proficiency feat from Arcane power allows you to use Heavy Blade as sorcerer implements, so that is quite essential for this build. And a Fullblade-swinging Barbarian that can spit fire from the blade reminds me of Kamahl from MtG :P
2. Barbarian / Warden
Yes, Kamahl, Fist of Krosa. I'll elaborate later when I have time.
3. Invoker/Wizard.
Amazing selection of controller power. The Invoker encounters shores up the Wizard's Amazing Dailies.
4. Fighter/Warden
For those who found warden's Nature's Wrath mark lacking. Warden's Free action mark can trigger fighter's Combat Challenge, so it's basically a fighter with more defender-y encounter powers. Fighter encounters rather pales in status effect department when compared with warden's. Being able to stack Guardian Form Powers on top of Fighter Stances is a big bonus.
5. Fighter/Cleric
For those who wants to play a front-line leader that still can dish out damage. Might need to spend a feat to gain back the lost armor proficiency, but 1/encounter healing and STR-cleric's choice of powers really made it worth it. It helps that the awesome powers came in where the fighter lacks. Enc 1, Healing Strike / Wrathful Thunder and Daily 9, Divine Power, for example.
6. Swordmage / Wizard
For those who wants a mage-knight type that can dish it out in melee and ranged, and is not pleased with a swordmage. Good selection of powers. Swordmage Dailies are rather lacking, IMO. And Wizards have arguably the best dailies in 4e. Feat-intensive since it will need hybrid talent for swordamge warding and leather proficiency to operate as a defender. The amazing power selection makes it worth it, though. Oh, and need I remind you taht you have the very useful Cantrips?
7. Paladin / Sorcerer
For those who miss the spellblade. You want a plate-armor wearing knight that slings spells of destruction to your opponent? This is your man. With hybrid talent, you can retain paladin's armor proficiency, which enables you to field a full-plate-armored, sword-wielding, shielded spellslinger.
8. Paladin / Ranger
For good old dual-wielding in full plates.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Journey to the West (Part 2)
First of all, I did say I was going to put the day 2 review soon, right? Well, sorry for the lateness. I was absolutely busy this month. And spending 2 weeks in Sulawesi with poor internet connectivity (Mostly due to Indosat M2 having poor signal in where I work) doesn't help. But now, I got time, and here's what happened on day two.
Day two, our plan is to go to the Sempu Island. It's a wildlife preservation area in in the south of Java, around 2 hours ride from Malang.

The Island from Across the Strait.
The target of the journey is not the island itself, but the lagoon located in the middle of the island. It's said to be absolutely amazing. Well, we'll find out soon enough. But the walk wasn't easy.

The Road
Well, the road, as can be seen here (not too clearly though), is muddy due to the morning rain. It's so muddy that we took off our sandals so we can have better grip. I should've worn my shoes, but well... It's not too bad really. It took us more than 3 hours to traverse the forest. Shouldn't been that long, according to our guide, but the slippery road makes our journey longer than usual.

Between the Leaves

Blue Water Blue Sky
It took us 3 hours, but when the sunlight broke through the trees and we saw the lagoon... Boy, It's really beautiful. It's not too large, roughly circular, and surrounded by trees and cliffs, giving the place a peaceful aura.

The Lagoon.
Too bad we didn't take many pictures there. I have some better ones, maybe I'll put them up. But I'll just tell you that the pictures don't do this place justice. The smooth white sand, the clear water, and the trees surrounding it, gives it a feel that you should feel in person.
Some people thought so too, apparently, for there are like four other groups other than us there. Mostly they are camping, spending the night there to come back the next day, or even the day after. Some of them are foreigners, too. Quite a good info they got.

After the Walk
Well, that's us. Looks quite tired, eh? Well, it's because it IS tiring. The walk itself is not that bad. I've walked farther and longer than that (roughly 3 kilometers walk). It's the mud and slippery slopes that saps our strength. Well, actually, I'm quite fine after a little rest... If only we had brought flashlights.
You see.. We estimated that we could reach the place in one hour and a half, which would leave us around two hours to play around in the place, and then come back out before dark. The slippery trail ruined all that. When we got there, it's already late afternoon. We only got less than half an hour to rest, take pictures, and head back out before dark. And we got no flashlights.
Traversing the slippery slope once again is not that hard, but when the sun goes down, things aren't that easy. When the sun went down, we had to rely on moonlight and sometimes, a lighter to see the way. And well... I'm blind as a bat when the sun is down. Only, bats have ultrasonic waves.
Well, thanks to our guide and my friends, especially Flo (thanks a bunch, flowie :D) , I did manage to go the whole way. Around 2/3 way there, we managed to contact our pickup boat to send some people with flashlights to guide us back. After they arrived, it's much easier. Doesn't stop us from collapsing on the beach due to tiredness, though.
Suffice to say that we slept VERY soundly that night.
Lessons learned :
One, bring flashlights when you're traversing a forest.
Two, If you're going to Sempu, do leave early in the morning, like 4 AM, or bring atent to spend the night. The place is just too beautiful, and the walk too long for you to enjoy to your satisfaction otherwise.
Day two, our plan is to go to the Sempu Island. It's a wildlife preservation area in in the south of Java, around 2 hours ride from Malang.

The Island from Across the Strait.
The target of the journey is not the island itself, but the lagoon located in the middle of the island. It's said to be absolutely amazing. Well, we'll find out soon enough. But the walk wasn't easy.

The Road
Well, the road, as can be seen here (not too clearly though), is muddy due to the morning rain. It's so muddy that we took off our sandals so we can have better grip. I should've worn my shoes, but well... It's not too bad really. It took us more than 3 hours to traverse the forest. Shouldn't been that long, according to our guide, but the slippery road makes our journey longer than usual.

Between the Leaves

Blue Water Blue Sky
It took us 3 hours, but when the sunlight broke through the trees and we saw the lagoon... Boy, It's really beautiful. It's not too large, roughly circular, and surrounded by trees and cliffs, giving the place a peaceful aura.

The Lagoon.
Too bad we didn't take many pictures there. I have some better ones, maybe I'll put them up. But I'll just tell you that the pictures don't do this place justice. The smooth white sand, the clear water, and the trees surrounding it, gives it a feel that you should feel in person.
Some people thought so too, apparently, for there are like four other groups other than us there. Mostly they are camping, spending the night there to come back the next day, or even the day after. Some of them are foreigners, too. Quite a good info they got.

After the Walk
Well, that's us. Looks quite tired, eh? Well, it's because it IS tiring. The walk itself is not that bad. I've walked farther and longer than that (roughly 3 kilometers walk). It's the mud and slippery slopes that saps our strength. Well, actually, I'm quite fine after a little rest... If only we had brought flashlights.
You see.. We estimated that we could reach the place in one hour and a half, which would leave us around two hours to play around in the place, and then come back out before dark. The slippery trail ruined all that. When we got there, it's already late afternoon. We only got less than half an hour to rest, take pictures, and head back out before dark. And we got no flashlights.
Traversing the slippery slope once again is not that hard, but when the sun goes down, things aren't that easy. When the sun went down, we had to rely on moonlight and sometimes, a lighter to see the way. And well... I'm blind as a bat when the sun is down. Only, bats have ultrasonic waves.
Well, thanks to our guide and my friends, especially Flo (thanks a bunch, flowie :D) , I did manage to go the whole way. Around 2/3 way there, we managed to contact our pickup boat to send some people with flashlights to guide us back. After they arrived, it's much easier. Doesn't stop us from collapsing on the beach due to tiredness, though.
Suffice to say that we slept VERY soundly that night.
Lessons learned :
One, bring flashlights when you're traversing a forest.
Two, If you're going to Sempu, do leave early in the morning, like 4 AM, or bring atent to spend the night. The place is just too beautiful, and the walk too long for you to enjoy to your satisfaction otherwise.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Journey to the West (Part 1)
It's been a while since I wrote on this blog. I've been absolutely busy these last two months. Jobs coming and going, Projects after projects mixed with lots of issues in the regional support. And time flies when you're busy.
Anyway, Two weeks ago, I went with some friends in a trip to Mount Bromo, and then to Sempu Island. It's always nice to be away from the daily routine for a bit. And it's really fun. Here's some recap. Click on the pictures to see the bigger ones.
Day 1. I meet up with my friends in Juanda Airport, Surabaya. We left straight for Mt. Bromo, staying in Cemoro Lawang for around two hours, taking a catnap before leaving to catch the sunrise. It's really cold, at around 4 AM, but this sunrise is worth it.

Yep, that's the sunrise. A beauty, eh? That's why the place is so popular, I guess. After the sunrise, we went up to the Bromo Crater.

The Temple in the middle of the sand.

Before climbing the stairs to the crater. 250 steps. Quite a climb :P
The guys and girls in the photo, from left to right are :
Front : Flo, Me, Edo
Back : Silvi, Milli
The last one, Johnny is the one taking our picture.

Aqua. Purity for the Future.
Well, sponsor's message aside, that's Johnny with me. That makes all six of us.

The Bromo Crater.
After the crater of the volcano, we went through a desert and past savannah, following a white brick road, in a journey to find a mystical lake, where the mist dragon king lives... Or not.
Anyway, the desert is actually a sand-covered plateau, which is very cool and windy, the savannah is.. well.. a grassy field in a valley with amazing view of the hills and the blue sky that sends Flo to a photo-frenzy. Granted, that valley is awesome, though. And after that, the mystic lake is.. just a lake. But when we get there, the mist is so thick that it seems mystical.

The Desert.

Follow the white brick road.

Flying over the Savannah.
Jumping, actually :P Boy, it's fun.

Hide and Seek.

The Lake in the Fog.
See? I told you it's foggy. It felt even more mystical when you're at the place. The fog's so thick you can't even see what's in the middle of the lake. Not to mention the other side.
Anyway, That's it for today. I'll continue with the tales of our Journey later. Stay tuned :P
Anyway, Two weeks ago, I went with some friends in a trip to Mount Bromo, and then to Sempu Island. It's always nice to be away from the daily routine for a bit. And it's really fun. Here's some recap. Click on the pictures to see the bigger ones.
Day 1. I meet up with my friends in Juanda Airport, Surabaya. We left straight for Mt. Bromo, staying in Cemoro Lawang for around two hours, taking a catnap before leaving to catch the sunrise. It's really cold, at around 4 AM, but this sunrise is worth it.

Yep, that's the sunrise. A beauty, eh? That's why the place is so popular, I guess. After the sunrise, we went up to the Bromo Crater.

The Temple in the middle of the sand.

Before climbing the stairs to the crater. 250 steps. Quite a climb :P
The guys and girls in the photo, from left to right are :
Front : Flo, Me, Edo
Back : Silvi, Milli
The last one, Johnny is the one taking our picture.

Aqua. Purity for the Future.
Well, sponsor's message aside, that's Johnny with me. That makes all six of us.

The Bromo Crater.
After the crater of the volcano, we went through a desert and past savannah, following a white brick road, in a journey to find a mystical lake, where the mist dragon king lives... Or not.
Anyway, the desert is actually a sand-covered plateau, which is very cool and windy, the savannah is.. well.. a grassy field in a valley with amazing view of the hills and the blue sky that sends Flo to a photo-frenzy. Granted, that valley is awesome, though. And after that, the mystic lake is.. just a lake. But when we get there, the mist is so thick that it seems mystical.

The Desert.

Follow the white brick road.

Flying over the Savannah.
Jumping, actually :P Boy, it's fun.

Hide and Seek.

The Lake in the Fog.
See? I told you it's foggy. It felt even more mystical when you're at the place. The fog's so thick you can't even see what's in the middle of the lake. Not to mention the other side.
Anyway, That's it for today. I'll continue with the tales of our Journey later. Stay tuned :P
Sunday, February 08, 2009
Woke up in the middle of silence
Grasping in the middle of darkness
Reaching out for a hand
Calling for a name
Any name, anyone, wherever
As long as there's another
In this world of emptiness
Someone to break the silence
Here I stood on the edge of the dreaming
Waiting for the one who isn't coming
One to fill the void gnawing within
One to call when the darkness is crawling
A hand to guide me through the dark
A voice to lead me through the silence
A face in the world full of strangers
A soul in the world full of loners
Grasping in the middle of darkness
Reaching out for a hand
Calling for a name
Any name, anyone, wherever
As long as there's another
In this world of emptiness
Someone to break the silence
Here I stood on the edge of the dreaming
Waiting for the one who isn't coming
One to fill the void gnawing within
One to call when the darkness is crawling
A hand to guide me through the dark
A voice to lead me through the silence
A face in the world full of strangers
A soul in the world full of loners
Monday, January 05, 2009
Right to Defend
I would like to start this post with a hypothetical question.
If you're living peacefully in a house with your family, and a rowdy neighbor starts throwing dangerous things like empty bottles and rusted nails to your lawn, what would you do? Provided that there's no police (or the one around is not reliable).
Talk to him, probably. But then, if he doesn't listen? He just told you aggressively to leave, or just suffer the consequences. Then what if you don't have anywhere else to go? And no one else is around, so you'd have to stand for yourself. How long will it be until you bring the fight to him?
On a wider perspective, let's hypothetically say, that a neighboring country starts bombing your country, shooting rockets at your lawn, forcing your children to stay at home for fear of being hit by shrapnel. When told to stop, they recite rhetorics saying that you and your fellow countrymen should just die, for a rather obscure reason. How long will it be till your country decides to strike back to protect its people?
Yes, news-aware readers will know which countries I'm talking about. It's all over the news. Most news stations and newspapers and other news sources are putting the Israeli offensive on Gaza Strip as their headliners. And most of those I found (locally, at least) condemns the attack, emphasized the heavy casualties, and some outright condemns Israel for the 'inhuman' and 'unreasonable' offensive.
While I agree that the force used is excessive, I can somewhat understand the reasoning behind the offensive. Just look at the first three paragraphs for an illustration of my point of view. It's not exactly unreasonable to me when seen from that light. It was, after all, the Hamas that broke the cease-fire and rained rockets down on Israeli cities beforethe offensive. Isn't it within one country's right to defend its people? Yet most of the reactions and pieces I've seen around seemingly ignores this.
It's likely a major factor that most of the local publications I found (I live in Indonesia) are somewhat one-sided. They cite the effects of the offensive on the Palestine citizens of Gaza strip, showing pictures of the dying, the wounded, and the destroyed buildings. Almost none were made about the Hamas rocket attacks on November that damaged buildings in Israeli cities. Is it because there are few casualties and only damaged buildings, or was it selective publication? It's like dozens of rockets a day raining down on Israeli territory according to The Herald Tribune and BBC. One even exploded in the middle of a kindergarten. Luckily, the school activity's been suspended because of rocket attacks. Imagine if it wasn't so. Would that made the news?
It's not like I'm pro-Israel or something. I'm just curious about why people tend to forget that it was Hamas that started the conflict. It was them that provoked the attack. Truth be told, it was them who used Palestine civilians as human shields by launching rockets from densely populated areas. How would the Israel be able to respond without civilian casualties? And yet, now they're crying about how the Israelis are the only ones to blame. All while being the ones who brought this upon themselves and the civilians. The cynic side of me even said that this was what they're after all along. Civilian casualties within the Palestine population meant that they can cry to the World, especially Muslim nations that the Israelis are conducting a massacre. Never mind the fact that the Hamas is also shooting rockets into civilian populated areas.
Some of the responses from around the world, and even some from my own country made me feel sick too. They call for the Israelis to stop fighting unconditionally, while never mentioning any conditions for the Hamas. So it's wrong to shed Palestinian blood, but it's okay to shed Jewish blood? What's the difference between both of them? Blood's still blood. People's still people no matter their beliefs.
Well, that's a long rant. And now, to try to find solutions.
To stop this bloodletting, both sides must stop violence. Easier said than done, but it's the ultimate condition. A strong deterrent, either military or economically, must be able to force the two to stop fighting. This can be done with US help, which might be a good place for Mr. Obama to make a good show in front of the Muslim world.
If Mr. Obama can force the Israel to stop the offensive, while the UN can deploy an international peacekeeping force empowered to intervene and stop any hostile activity from the Hamas, it might do. It's a gamble, but if Mr. Obama can pull that off, it'll boost his credibility in the eye of the Muslim World, and it'll aid any subsequent mediating effort from his side. Then they can talk.
Which, for that to happen, the Hamas should at least hold back on their goals on eradicating Israel. And Israel should stop seeing Hamas as a terrorist entity. Both sides should acknowledge each other (Which is the whole point. The Arab Nations must acknowledge Israel as a nation. It's the only way to have peace there). It would be much easier if the Hamas can reconcile with Palestine Authority, and talk as a united Palestine, as a country, to negotiate with Israel. Then divide the land between the two. Palestine and Israel. And place the Jerusalem area under an international jurisdiction.
About the peacekeeping force, an interesting idea is mentioned by Tom Clancy in his novel 'The Sum of All Fears' about putting the Jerusalem area under the authority of the Vatican and the Swiss Guard. Well, now that wouldn't really be feasible, but a Turkish contingent might do the trick, seeing that they're a reputed secular country with Islamic majority.
It's just my opinion, though. Politicians, historians, statesman, great people all, have tried to solve this conflict for years, and none succeeded. I just hope that the conflict will end as swiftly as possible. By any means necessary. For the good of people living there, Jewish or Muslims alike.
If you're living peacefully in a house with your family, and a rowdy neighbor starts throwing dangerous things like empty bottles and rusted nails to your lawn, what would you do? Provided that there's no police (or the one around is not reliable).
Talk to him, probably. But then, if he doesn't listen? He just told you aggressively to leave, or just suffer the consequences. Then what if you don't have anywhere else to go? And no one else is around, so you'd have to stand for yourself. How long will it be until you bring the fight to him?
On a wider perspective, let's hypothetically say, that a neighboring country starts bombing your country, shooting rockets at your lawn, forcing your children to stay at home for fear of being hit by shrapnel. When told to stop, they recite rhetorics saying that you and your fellow countrymen should just die, for a rather obscure reason. How long will it be till your country decides to strike back to protect its people?
Yes, news-aware readers will know which countries I'm talking about. It's all over the news. Most news stations and newspapers and other news sources are putting the Israeli offensive on Gaza Strip as their headliners. And most of those I found (locally, at least) condemns the attack, emphasized the heavy casualties, and some outright condemns Israel for the 'inhuman' and 'unreasonable' offensive.
While I agree that the force used is excessive, I can somewhat understand the reasoning behind the offensive. Just look at the first three paragraphs for an illustration of my point of view. It's not exactly unreasonable to me when seen from that light. It was, after all, the Hamas that broke the cease-fire and rained rockets down on Israeli cities beforethe offensive. Isn't it within one country's right to defend its people? Yet most of the reactions and pieces I've seen around seemingly ignores this.
It's likely a major factor that most of the local publications I found (I live in Indonesia) are somewhat one-sided. They cite the effects of the offensive on the Palestine citizens of Gaza strip, showing pictures of the dying, the wounded, and the destroyed buildings. Almost none were made about the Hamas rocket attacks on November that damaged buildings in Israeli cities. Is it because there are few casualties and only damaged buildings, or was it selective publication? It's like dozens of rockets a day raining down on Israeli territory according to The Herald Tribune and BBC. One even exploded in the middle of a kindergarten. Luckily, the school activity's been suspended because of rocket attacks. Imagine if it wasn't so. Would that made the news?
It's not like I'm pro-Israel or something. I'm just curious about why people tend to forget that it was Hamas that started the conflict. It was them that provoked the attack. Truth be told, it was them who used Palestine civilians as human shields by launching rockets from densely populated areas. How would the Israel be able to respond without civilian casualties? And yet, now they're crying about how the Israelis are the only ones to blame. All while being the ones who brought this upon themselves and the civilians. The cynic side of me even said that this was what they're after all along. Civilian casualties within the Palestine population meant that they can cry to the World, especially Muslim nations that the Israelis are conducting a massacre. Never mind the fact that the Hamas is also shooting rockets into civilian populated areas.
Some of the responses from around the world, and even some from my own country made me feel sick too. They call for the Israelis to stop fighting unconditionally, while never mentioning any conditions for the Hamas. So it's wrong to shed Palestinian blood, but it's okay to shed Jewish blood? What's the difference between both of them? Blood's still blood. People's still people no matter their beliefs.
Well, that's a long rant. And now, to try to find solutions.
To stop this bloodletting, both sides must stop violence. Easier said than done, but it's the ultimate condition. A strong deterrent, either military or economically, must be able to force the two to stop fighting. This can be done with US help, which might be a good place for Mr. Obama to make a good show in front of the Muslim world.
If Mr. Obama can force the Israel to stop the offensive, while the UN can deploy an international peacekeeping force empowered to intervene and stop any hostile activity from the Hamas, it might do. It's a gamble, but if Mr. Obama can pull that off, it'll boost his credibility in the eye of the Muslim World, and it'll aid any subsequent mediating effort from his side. Then they can talk.
Which, for that to happen, the Hamas should at least hold back on their goals on eradicating Israel. And Israel should stop seeing Hamas as a terrorist entity. Both sides should acknowledge each other (Which is the whole point. The Arab Nations must acknowledge Israel as a nation. It's the only way to have peace there). It would be much easier if the Hamas can reconcile with Palestine Authority, and talk as a united Palestine, as a country, to negotiate with Israel. Then divide the land between the two. Palestine and Israel. And place the Jerusalem area under an international jurisdiction.
About the peacekeeping force, an interesting idea is mentioned by Tom Clancy in his novel 'The Sum of All Fears' about putting the Jerusalem area under the authority of the Vatican and the Swiss Guard. Well, now that wouldn't really be feasible, but a Turkish contingent might do the trick, seeing that they're a reputed secular country with Islamic majority.
It's just my opinion, though. Politicians, historians, statesman, great people all, have tried to solve this conflict for years, and none succeeded. I just hope that the conflict will end as swiftly as possible. By any means necessary. For the good of people living there, Jewish or Muslims alike.
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