Sunday, February 08, 2009


Woke up in the middle of silence
Grasping in the middle of darkness
Reaching out for a hand
Calling for a name

Any name, anyone, wherever
As long as there's another
In this world of emptiness
Someone to break the silence

Here I stood on the edge of the dreaming
Waiting for the one who isn't coming
One to fill the void gnawing within
One to call when the darkness is crawling

A hand to guide me through the dark
A voice to lead me through the silence
A face in the world full of strangers
A soul in the world full of loners


flowie said...

Pil... Di bali sepi banget yaaaaa...??? Sampe nulis yang mellow banget gini... :(

Anonymous said...

Ga juga sih flo, emang kalo lagi ga bsia tidur ya kaya gini.