Please don't say "You are lazy"
Coz the truth is, I'm crazy
Even the tranquil swans
Kicks its feet (underwater) where you can't see
I'm just following my instinct,
and I'm aware of criticism
And the future looks bright anyway...
So sometimes, I can just take a break
With my own eyes, plotting the course
And marking my destination on the map
If there's a shortcut, then it's alright
If I've got wings that can let me skip things, it would be better
Oh no, I broke a nail; so I repaired it with glue
With just that, I feel kind of accomplished
What's important is loving yourself
If you don't love yourself, then no one else can love you
Alternate interpretation perhaps, but yeah, it's fine to take a break sometimes. Don't let the pressure from the surrounding get to you. You are who you are, Your way is your own. It's fine to love yourself for who you are.
dikau ngepostnya pas gua lagi semangat2nya kerja..
(yaelah, kayak gua kerjanya serius aja, ngerjain kerjaan aja sambil nonton ozzi maen MGS
salah ya timingnya? :P
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