Thursday, July 10, 2008

Name Tag

Tagged by Ipeh to some online name generator. Oh, and by the way, sorry for the posting drought. I am busy these days. Really busy. My boss left for Freeport a few days ago, leaving us undermanned here.

On to the tags.

Elf Name : Rúmil Tinúviel

Tinuviel? Hm.. seems like I've heard that name before... d'oh...

Vampire Name : Sahib of Angels, also known as Thor of Moldavia

Rockstar Name : Izzy Dylan

Sounds like Ozzy to me. Anyway, finally...

Gothic Name : Blinding Skin

What the... it sounds like some disease name :P

Anyway, to my dear friend, I'm sorry for saying the wrong thing a few days ago. And sorry that I only make you upset most of the time. I'm still with you though :D.


Anonymous said...

Tinuviel sounds really really familiar..

BTW ada ide buat nama aslinya Cello? Pingin yg artinya lagu ato sejenisnya.. So far masih stuck dengan nama yang dibuat dengan bantuan dadu2 dan hasilnya cukup bagus..

Zaku said...

Hm.. Maunya Elven ato nggak?

Tinuviel mungkin artinya bukan lagu sih.. tapi Nightingale itu kan burung yang suka nyanyi... :D

Keeneobmd said...

Tinuviel sounds really really familiar.. BTW ada ide buat nama aslinya Cello? Pingin yg artinya lagu ato sejenisnya.. So far masih stuck dengan nama yang dibuat dengan bantuan dadu2 dan hasilnya cukup bagus..