Thursday, June 05, 2008

Bad for Your Health

I wonder, how do you guys handle the things that you know for sure it's bad for you, but at the same time, you can't seem to stay away from it. Let's say.. that very tasty chocolate that you can't stop eating even though you know it'll do wonders to your teeth, or the sack of potato chips just waiting to be eaten even though you know you're having a sore throat.

These kinds of things... How do you handle them? Do you usually surrender to the temptation.. or brace yourself and say no?


Anonymous said...

depends on how big the temptation is.

sometimes you can just distract yourself into something else.. something as tempting, yet safer.

Anonymous said...

forgot to write down my name, my bad ^^

natsu said...

Kalau buat saya, tergantung temptationnya apaan. =D