Monday, November 12, 2007

Vending Machine

Hors de Prix, or better known with its western name, Priceless. It is a French romantic comedy that was shown on Jakarta's Theaters several weeks ago.

Actually, I've watched this movie quite some time ago, but it only recently came to my mind again. Blame the heavy traffic of Jakarta for that. Thinking is one of the most productive activity that one can do while driving at an average speed of barely 1 kmph.

Well, on with it. I won't really get into details with this movie. You can find reviews all over the net. I'm just going to go over one theme that struck me when I watched it. For those who are uninformed, the movie highlights the lifestyle of rich Europeans who have too much money on their hands. And those who took advantage of that.

These... 'parasites' are those who find rich and lonely old men (or women), satisfy their needs, hang around, make them happy, while enjoying themselves (and get richer) along the process.

As is noted in the movie, these people who spend their money mostly knew that they are being used. But they still spend their money nonetheless. Some people may find it strange. But to me, they're just using their money to buy something. I found these people to be a distinct analogue of vending machine users. Put in your money, and it'll give you their product. Which in this case would be.. presence.

Why do I say that? Perhaps because I know how some people really hate being alone. Alone in a mental and spiritual state, not physical. A feeling that becomes more easily found in modern people, in this age of individualism. And I know how far one would go to rid themselves of that feeling.

Some would leave the steady life they've lead all the while. Some would leave families behind. Some ruining other people's life. All to chase after this incoherent thing called "presence" when they couldn't find it in their ordinary life. So when one spends several thousand dollars a day for simple human presence.. I'm not too surprised.


natsu said...

Bayangkan seperti ini. Seseorang yang mendapat perhatian dari orang-orang di sekitarnya. Yet, he'd rather spend his money with 'parasites' instead of those who love him.

Padahal kalau pingin temen ngobrol, tinggal bilang. Padahal kalau pingin dimanjain, tinggal bilang.

Kenapa orang seperti itu ada?
Kenapa orang seperti itu masih boleh idup?

Anonymous said...

I don't know the answer to that. And even if I knew, would that make any difference?