Thursday, February 23, 2006

Idling Away

Lazy, lazy, lazy... That's what i keep telling myself. With all those works ahead of you, and you're still idling away here? Ah well, me and my lazy self. I have several stories to be replied, my own personal project to do, and my final assignment on top of all that. *sigh*

Well, at least i'm compiling enough data for my assignment proposal (God bless Wiki). As for the stories... Rave would probably kill me if i didn't write for another month. But hell, what can i do... It's not like i don't want to write. It's just that I never got the right mood. Call me moody if you want. I'd take that as a compliment.


Hm, so finally I started blogging again. This is a new site, since i forgot the password to my old site (Heck, i even forgot my old user name) . So, without furher ado, I present you... Teacups and Scribbles ver.1.02 ^^;

Oh, for those who doesn't know me.. I'm just an ordinary person looking for my place in life. This blogging activity is done only to put my scribblings to someplace where people can actually read it.